Fire Restoration

You know how smoke affects parts of the structure and the contents that weren’t damaged by the fire. SmellZapper REFRESH can eliminate smoke odors on:
- Carpeting
- Draperies
- Upholstered Furniture
- Ceilings
- Clothes
If you’re in this business, you know how costly and time consuming your traditional techniques are. Try SmellZapper….you’ll be amazed how well it works and just how simple it is! We guarantee it!
Urine Odor, Feces, Vomit, Sewage, Mold and Mildew, Garbage odor & many other organically based odors.
Encapsulates then eliminates odors caused by smoke odors, cooking odors & chemically based odors.
You can find cheaper products but you can’t find better!
Bio-engineered to digest organic waste and smoke odor. Instant odor control by neutralization of the malodor by eliminating it’s source. Contains a cultured blend of live bacteria, enzymes and special bioactive solubilizing agents. Safe around pets and children. Leaves no residue behind.